SFV stands for Simple File Validator and is just that. The reason why SFV exists is the fact that the best archiver around - RAR - lacks a significant ability, namely the ability to put one CRC per volume in a file which spans over multiple volumes. This is bad news indeed when downloading a file wich resides in 40+ volumes and it unpacks with an error there is no way of telling in wich volume the error is.
SFV has a solution to these little problem quirks or RAR. SFV generates an external crc file containing checksums of the files. If something fails when unpacking, simply use SFV and find out which file(s) have errors and RE-DOWNLOAD ONLY THE FAULTY FILES again -- this will save time and effort, because downloading the entire set of archives AGAIN from another source still cannot 100% guarantee flawless transmission. But with a working crc you can keep looking for those good files, and you'll know that the files are genuinely part of the same set.

Windows version: sfv32.zip
*nix version: sfv32nix-1.2.tar.gz

- AUTHOR INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------
All versions of SFV32 are written by Alcatraz of Fantasia Software. This software is intended to be free to use and not associated with any kind of lame licensing or nagging etc. Although for me as an author it is really great to know what people think of my program, what features are missing and what bugs there are etc. To contact the author:
EFNet: Mr\\Alc
email: [email protected]

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